Four ideas for "outdoor adventures"

Whether a game of frisbee, a fun relay race or a game of "Sonnenland" – playing games makes outdoor exercise twice as much fun for your kids!

It's a sunny day? Great. Time to get out into the fresh air! We who work in the world of ergobag backpacks spend our breaks and many an evening playing table soccer and table tennis at the time of year when it is cold and wet, but now the fine weather is back enticing us to play (sports) games outside. You want to know how you can spend a fantastic day outside having great fun with old and young alike without going to a great deal of effort and expense? Here are some ideas for you to try:

1. Frisbee

The frisbee comes in various sizes and weights and is ideal for impromptu get-togethers in the park; it doesn't matter if there are two people or a whole crowd of people – everyone can join in! The ones with a bit more practice can try out some freestyle frisbee moves, such as "catch", where the trick is to catch the frisbee under the leg, behind the head or behind the back. Tricks with several players are called "co-op".

2. Fun relay races

All you need is some wooden batons (or some twigs found lying on the ground) and a toilet roll for each team. The players in each team line up and each one tries in turn to pass the toilet roll to the next player with the baton without touching the roll. The winning team is the one which is first to get the roll to the last member of the team.

3. "Sonnenland" game

Take a stick and draw a circle on the ground which is big enough for all the players to stand in comfortably. Each player takes it in turn to tell a story about the sun. Whenever the word "sun" comes up, all the players have to stand in the circle, and whenever they hear the word "cloud", they have to jump out of the circle quickly.

4. Keep the ball up

Do you have a ball with you? Great! Then get into two teams, mark out a playing field (approximately 40 x 25 m) and divide it into two equal halves. Now you have to try to get the ball over the center line without it touching the ground in your half and you can only move the ball with parts of your upper body (hand, arm, head). If you succeed in getting the ball to touch the ground on your opponents' side, you get one point. The team which is first to reach 20 points is the winner. No doubt you will have your own great ideas for games you can play: Ready for fun and games… steady… go!


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